十大信誉网堵首页 endeavors to be a liberal arts high school that teaches students to think and live well by integrating faith, 美德, 和学习.


太平洋基督教高中 is a liberal arts high school devoted to teaching young men and women from all neighborhoods to think critically and wisely, 灌输发自内心的快乐和学习的兴趣, 同时鼓励信心的生活, 字符, 为荣耀神而事奉.

“十大信誉网堵首页 Christian是……”

十大信誉网堵首页 is an independent Christian high school in the heart of Santa Monica, California. 我们成立于2005年,第一批学生于2008年毕业.


We believe that 十大信誉网堵首页 provides a truly distinct version of a classical liberal arts education, 文理结合, 语言, 哲学, 把神学纳入我们的核心毕业要求. 十大信誉网堵首页 is a college preparatory experience that is designed to teach students how to think, 不应该这么想.


太平洋学院是一个男女同校的学校, 年轻男女在一个学者群体中共同学习, 运动员, 艺术家, 企业家, 科学家们, 和哲学家. 我们学生群体的一个特点是他们喜欢来学校, 我们没有别的办法了.


我们的校园不同于洛杉矶的其他私立高中, 将来自50多个不同邮政编码的家庭整合成一个紧密的, 支持社区. 十大信誉网堵首页 is a welcoming environment for people of all walks of life and all faiths (or no faith at all) and dedicated to Christian precepts and values in all we do. Financial aid is crucial to ensuring our community is accessible for all families and has bridged the gap for hundreds of students since the school’s inception.


Students are faced with a new problem in their education: not a lack of resources, but an infinite number of uncurated sources that can have a profound influence at a critical time in their intellectual development. 十大信誉网堵首页的学生学会辨别什么是真实的, 什么是正确的?, and what is good from teachers who pursue integrity and wisdom in their own lives and who are committed to providing mentorship and quality instruction.


高中不应该成为竞争的试验场, 但不幸的是, the college landscape has impacted the 美德 of learning for learning’s sake. 十大信誉网堵首页 students are en勇气d to find a balance between rigor and relaxation—a practice intentionally implemented throughout the class schedule, 作业的量, 以及课程作业本身. 

“...同时鼓励信心的生活, 字符, 为荣耀神而事奉.”

As a Christian school, 十大信誉网堵首页 students learn from faculty who live out their faith. 无论是在课堂上还是在其他经历中, students are en勇气d to examine their own relationship with God by exploring life’s most important questions, 思考意义和目的, 在日常生活中追求善良和真理. 作为一个社区, 我们每天都努力用心去爱上帝, 灵魂, 和思想, 爱人如己(马太福音22:34-40).



下面的学生成果指导和通知我们在太平洋所做的一切. 我们的目标是提供便利, 培养, and en勇气 each of these 字符istics in our students throughout their time here and to make their high school journey one of purpose, 意义, 有意增长. We believe these qualities will serve our students well in every area of their lives no matter what path they take after high school. 


Academic professionals take ownership of their academic development that is manifested in their speech, 态度, 准备, 以及学术活动的执行. 他们能适应新环境,自我激励,并能完成高质量的工作. Academic professionals are hospitable to the ideas of others seeking to engage, 倾听和理解,而不是驳斥或攻击.


优秀的学者表现出跨学科的批判性思维, 已经完成了严格的四年大学预科课程, 面对严峻和意想不到的挑战,坚持不懈, and create time to reflect on and internalize what they have they have learned so that learning will have a transformative impact on their lives.


Effective communicators will speak and write with clarity, purpose, authenticity and civility. 他们言行一致, 从而促进真实性,而不仅仅是风格或修饰. They are able to interconnect with others in a variety of ways while retaining their authentic voice and perspective. They will learn to confidently express their thoughts and opinions in their writing and speech. 他们会以尊重他人和自己的方式进行交流. Students will also traffic in a multitude of technological platforms rife for creative expression with a consistent focus on what is an appropriate balance between the private and the public. The variety of communication will enhance their traditional academic pursuits, 激发有效解决问题的能力, 培养创意.


快乐的学习者找到快乐, 不仅体现在他们的学术成果上, 但在学习的过程中也是如此. Scholarship is recognized as both an end in itself and a means to a deeper understanding of the individual, 他们在这个世界上的目的和世界本身. 快乐的学习者有自知之明. 他们知道自己的长处, 增长领域, 礼物, abilities and the relationship of those 礼物 and 增长领域 to God and the community. Because they are self-aware, they graduate with a sense of direction, 意义 and purpose.

善良勇敢的人 & 女性

Virtuous and 勇气ous men and women hold themselves to high moral standards, 追求美好的事物, 美丽的, 和真正的. They grow in their own Christian faith or in the understanding of Christian faith taking on the 美德s of prudence, 正义, 节制, 勇气, 诚实, 希望与爱. They exercise the moral 勇气 necessary to live boldly with 意义 and purpose impacting their own lives and the lives of others.


学生们学会在自己的生活中重视社区. They seek to build authentic relationships, seeking their own good as well as the good of others. They understand the value of positive critique and creative opposition in their own lives and lives of others. 学生具有全球意识, 了解重要的经济, 政治, 宗教, 以及影响他们生活的社会力量.


A student graduates with direction when he or she proactively approaches the post-high school transition by making intentional decisions to strategically reach realistic and informed professional, 个人, 存在主义目标. A student who graduates with direction will likely conceptualize graduation as a transition to somewhere not from somewhere.